Friday, February 10, 2017

Mayor Berger accompolishments

Mayor Berger’s Nearly 30 Years of Accomplishments?
Bradcornelio show
Facebook: bradcornelio
               Lima’s mayor Berger has been elected mayor since the year 1989.  1989!!! In 1989 I was only 9 years old and during Mayor Berger’s nearly 30 years of service to the community of Lima what has he accomplished? What has he done for the community of Lima which has improved your life?
                According to the Lima City hall website which gives a detailed biography of Mayor Berger it lists several accomplishments.  For instance, during his first term in 1989 he managed the financial difficulties which were created by a national recession and he also created the Central Point Industrial Park.
                During his second term from 1993-97 the mayor implemented community oriented policing policies. He began the Ottawa River bike path project, as well as continued code enforcement and housing rehabilitation.
                During his third term from 1997-2001 Mayor Berger prevented the destruction of the Lima refinery by BP.  Mayor Berger led the sale of BP to Clark Oil, at that time, which saved hundreds of local jobs. Of course those in Lima now recognize the refinery as Husky Energy which has invested billions in upgrades to the refinery.
                Mayor Berger’s 4th term brought with it a new Lima City School replacement and renovation which saw Lima Senior High School relocated from Pierce Street, to Market Street. He gave your children a beautiful new facility for their enjoyment as well as their learning.  Also during this time, the 2nd phase of the Ottawa Bike path was implemented.
                The fifth term (2005-2009) Mayor Berger worked diligently to complete many economic developments including securing federal and state funds to develop an industrial park for agribusiness which created jobs and provided millions in investments. The administration also worked with Global Energy in order to finalize the start of the plant. 
                Finally during his 6th term (2010-present) Mayor Berger secured 20 million dollars in federal stimulus money which was used for the Vine Street underpass which I have to say makes travel through the city easier. 
                Looking at this list, and there are more accomplishments which again are found on the City of Lima website, which I did not cover here, shows that Mayor Berger has accomplished a number of good projects which has benefited Lima.  The question I have for you is have you personally benefited from these accomplishments? Has Lima bloomed or has Lima dragged throughout the years? When you drive through the city of Lima, do you see beauty, or blight?  I see a number of rundown, abandoned homes, abandoned vehicles, and trash.
                Here’s another interesting fact: between the years of 1990-2000, during Mayor Berger’s tenure the population dropped from 45,549 to 40,081 a -12.0% decline.  Then too, from 2000-2010 the population again declined from 40,081-38,771, a -3.3% decline.  All of this occurred during his tenure.  Now the City of Lima website touts all of the Mayor Berger’s economic accomplishments, yet if those economic endeavors were so great, then why the mass migration from Lima? Where is the economic boom in the city of Lima? I am not saying that the mayor has not accomplished anything great, but the question is, how have you benefited, how has Lima benefited?  What can make Lima better if anything?

Bradcornelio is nonpartisan, the show does not endorse, campaign, or participate for any political organization, person, or entity. The bradcornelio show is a neutral news organization.

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